基本数据库连接模板PHP MySQL [关闭]

基本数据库连接模板PHP MySQL [关闭]


I have a website where we want to be able to read from a database and give the user a list of resources based on the criteria from a drop box (e.g. if you live in Alaska, you are given Alaska resources). I'm familiar enough with basic programming constructs, but not PHP itself. Is there a good, idiomatic tutorial for this anyone knows of; something more or less plug and play where the basics are commented nicely and I can change connection strings and build the actual database myself?

我有一个网站,我们希望能够从数据库中读取并为用户提供基于资源的列表 根据投标箱的标准(例如,如果你住在阿拉斯加,你会得到阿拉斯加的资源)。 我对基本的编程结构很熟悉,但不熟悉PHP本身。 对于这个人来说,有没有一个好的,惯用的教程; 什么或多或少的即插即用的基础知识被很好地评论,我可以改变连接字符串并自己构建实际的数据库? p> div>

I'm going to recommend using PDO extension, there are alternatives, such as mysqli with plenty of examples. I would recommend looking at the PHP manual for PDO to get to grips with what it's doing. A quick google came up with DB wrapper class which should be good enough to get you going. (I've not used it but it looks simple enough).