为什么Revel Web框架教程应用程序不起作用

为什么Revel Web框架教程应用程序不起作用


I'm a beginner in Go and I want to use the revel web framework to develop web applications.

I followed the tutorial to install and test revel from: http://revel.github.io/tutorial/index.html

But when I run the revel run myapp command and go to http://localhost:9000/, the page shows an error that says:

Server Error: Template Execution Error (in app/index.html:23): "footer.html" is an incomplete or empty template

Additionally, an error occurred when rendering the error page: html/template:errors/500.html: "errors/500.html" is an incomplete or empty template

I tried to remove the sentence:

{{ template "footer.html" .}}

Now it works, but this is not a real solution to the problem.

Has somebody else had this problem before ?

我是Go的初学者,我想使用revel Web框架开发Web应用程序。 p >

我按照本教程安装并测试了以下版本的发布: http: //revel.github.io/tutorial/index.html p>

但是当我运行 revel run myapp strong>命令并转到 http:// localhost:9000 / code>, 页面显示错误,提示: p>

服务器错误:模板执行错误(在应用程序/索引中)。 html:23): “ footer.html”是不完整或空的模板 p>

此外,呈现错误页面时出现错误: html / template:errors / 500。 html:“ errors / 500.html”是不完整的模板,或者是 空模板 p> blockquote>

我尝试删除以下句子: p>

{{模板“ footer.html”。}} p> blockquote>

现在可以了,但这不是解决问题的真正方法。 p>

ħ 像以前有人遇到过这个问题吗? p> div>

You need to install a newer Go version 1.2 (not 1.1.2).
Here is a small tutorial for Ubuntu.