ClickOnce 应用程序无法打开

ClickOnce 应用程序无法打开


我遇到了一个问题,如果我打开 .appref-ms 文件 - 它会打开 ClickOnce 对话框...然后关闭.应用程序不会加载 - 只是 ClickOnce 弹出窗口.

I'm having an issue where if I open the .appref-ms file - it will open the ClickOnce dialog box... Then close. The application won't load - just the ClickOnce popup.

但是,如果我导航到 Local > Apps > 2.0 ... 到实际的 .exe 文件 - 这会打开得很好.

However, if I navigate into Local > Apps > 2.0 ... To the actual .exe file - this opens just fine.

还值得注意的是,它只会在某些设备上出现这样的问题.IE.在我的机器上,打开 .appref-ms 文件会打开 ClickOnce 对话框,执行更新(如果适用),然后打开应用程序就好了.然而,我们的一位客户打电话提出了这个问题.

Worth also noting that it is only bugging out like this on some devices. I.e. on my machine, opening the .appref-ms file opens the ClickOnce dialog, does the update (if applicable) and then opens the app just fine. Yet one of our customers called to raise the issue.

我已尝试卸载并重新安装该应用程序.我已经尝试清除 Apps > 2.0 ...

I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the application. I've tried clearing out the stuff in Apps > 2.0 ...


Not really sure how else I can debug this?


问题在于 Windows Defender 的新更新.

The problem is the new update to Windows Defender.

我不得不暂时禁用 Windows Defender,直到有针对此问题的补丁.

I've had to disable Windows Defender for the time being until there's a patch to this problem.

其他人已经找到了更新和 ClickOnce 应用之间的联系.

Other people have already figured out the link between the update and ClickOnce apps.开始