之间的区别.和 #

之间的区别.和 #


在 Ruby 中,这两者之间的区别是什么(在代码中):

In Ruby what is the difference between those two (in code):

  • Class.method
  • Class#method

散列格式 (Class#method) 不是有效的 ruby​​,但在文档中用于描述实例方法.

The hash format (Class#method) is not valid ruby, but is used in documentation to describe an instance method.


Class methods are typically documented using a double-colon (Class::method).

您将在 ruby​​ 文档中看到两者的示例(例如 http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/String.html)

You will see examples of both in the ruby docs (e.g. http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/String.html)


The dot format is used in code when actually calling a class method (Class.method), though I have seen some people (unfortunately) use it interchangeably with either the double-colon or hash in documentation.