


I am developing an Android application where the user authenticates his Facebook Login, then I need to get this user's information in the server side (PHP) What I did is that I obtained the access token from the Android after Login then sent it to the server side in order to get the user information directly through the pre-obtained access token, but apparently this is not the way it should work, because in PHP I initiate a new Facebook instance

$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $appid, 'secret' => $app_secret ));
so does any body have a solution to how to pass the access token or the user ID to Facebook and open a session directly instead of logging-in again in the server side in order to open a session? Thanks A lot

You should be able to do something like this:


The token is the one that you get on Android. You should be able to make calls to the api now, with the new token you've assigned the object with.
