



I was trying to search for the answer, but I couldn't find any. I'm trying to create a JavaScript function, that takes two dates and returns a string in the format of "x years, y months, z days, a hours, b minutes, c seconds". The usual iterated division fails, because months can have different number of days. I found several sources, but they either go only up to days/hours/minutes omitting the months problem, or they just erroneously average days in month.

function dateDifference(date) {
    now = new Date();
    return difference; //returns something like "x years, y months, z days, a hours, b minutes, c seconds"



Use .getTime to convert the dates into milliseconds:

var date1 = new Date(),
    date2 = new Date(someDate),
    diff = Math.abs(date1.getTime() - date2.getTime());

// then convert into years, months, etc


You can't get away from averaging the length of months as the problem will often be ambiguous. e.g if calculating the difference between 3rd Feb and 10th Mar is that 1 month and 7 days (assuming a month is 28 days as in Feb) or 1 month and 4 days (assuming a month is 31 days as in March)?


corrected my truely appalling maths.


Actually, thinking about it, any normal human being transposes the day from the first month into the last month and uses that to calculate the difference in days. So:

var date1 = new Date(),
    date2 = new Date(1981, 10, 18);
    switch = (date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) < 0 ? false : true, // work out which is the later date
    laterDate = switch ? date2 : date1;
    earlierDate = switch ? date1 : date2;
    dayDiff = laterDate.getDate() - earlierDate.getDate(),
    monthDiff = laterDate.getMonth() - earlierDate.getMonth(), // javascript uses zero-indexed months (0-11 rather than the more conventional 1-12)
    yearDiff = laterDate.getFullYear() - earlierDate.getFullYear(),
    months = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; 

if (dayDiff < 0) {
    dayDiff += months[laterDate.getMonth()-1]; // -1 because we want the previous month

if (monthDiff < 0) {
    monthDiff += 12;

console.log(yearDiff+' years, '+monthDiff+' months, '+dayDiff+' days');


I think this gets us most of the way there but we still have to consider leap years


EDIT 4: Corrected a couple of (sometimes but, unfortunately, not always cancelling out) off by 1 errors