C Sharp .Net Datagridview分页

C Sharp .Net Datagridview分页



I want to write a single common function for paging with first,next,previous,last buttons in datagridview control in C#.net.Any one can help me .please

您本可以尝试使用Google:它很快就找到了我. 在VirtualMode中使用DataGridView对数据进行分页 [
You could have tried Google: it found me this very quickly. Paging Data with DataGridView in VirtualMode[^]

public partial class Sample : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PagingTableAdapter pAdapter = new PagingTableAdapter();
        DataGridView1.DataSource = pAdapter.FetchRecords(10,5);


DataGrid分页-C#Windows窗体 [
check this out:

DataGrid Paging - C# Windows Forms[^]

hope it helps :)