如何控制用于通过VS&进行部署的AppPool? MSDeploy设置

如何控制用于通过VS&进行部署的AppPool? MSDeploy设置



When I build a deploy package for my webapp the package contains an archive.xml file that contains the following:

    ... />




How can I control the application pool that the webapp gets installed into and, in some cases, create a new application pool? Are there VS settings that I can change to control the above output or otherwise affect how the application pool at deploy time?


According to one SO post I can tell msbuild to use an app pool by adding the following option but I couldn't see any difference in the generated output:


2. parameters.xml文件自定义


2. A parameters.xml file customization

Another post on setting the app pool for msdeploy seems to imply I might be able to modify the generated parameters.xml file so that I can specify the app pool name as an argument to msdeploy. This file exists within the zip package so wouldn't be easy to customize. If I change it to an archive then the file's more easily accessible.

如何部署Web应用页似乎暗示我可能需要从IIS Express切换到IIS,然后启用一些复选框.在我的项目属性页上,不管包括IIS Express中配置的IIS设置"复选框设置(我目前未选中),都禁用了Include application pool settings used by this Web project复选框.接下来,我将尝试切换到完整的IIS,看看是否能更好地控制我.

The Howto deploy a webapp page seems to imply I might need to switch from IIS Express to IIS and then enable some checkboxes. On my project properties page the Include application pool settings used by this Web project checkbox is disabled regardless of the "Include IIS settings as configured in IIS Express" checkbox setting (which I currently have unchecked). I'll try switching to the full IIS next and seeing if that gives me better control.


It looks like I might be able to create an app pool with a separate tool but I'm not sure if it's TFS-only. It's a tool that I haven't seen before but it may be a capable tool.

MSDeploy的 appPoolConfig提供程序看起来很有希望因为我可能可以手动设置一个应用程序池,然后将其用作同步源,但是至少只有一次.

MSDeploy's appPoolConfig provider looks promising as I could probably manually setup an application pool and then use that as a sync source, but at least it's only manual once.


I'm also starting to look into the possibilities on how to accomplish this.


I've still some research to do, but I can give you the following pointers:

  1. IncludeAppPool = true启用AppPoolExtension,当将网站从一个位置同步到另一个位置时,它还会复制应用程序池. 我猜它在创建包时不会起作用.除非您通过本地IIS运行WAP且您将IIS设置包含在软件包中,否则可能会出现这种情况.

  1. IncludeAppPool=true enable the AppPoolExtension which also copies the app pool when synching a web site from one location to the other. I guess it will not have an effect when creating a package. Unless maybe if you WAP is run via your local IIS and you include IIS Settings in your package.


Parameters.xml exists in the zip indeed. But if you place a Parameters.xml file in the root of your WAP you can specify your own parameters which will be merged with the one VS creates when packaging.


You can indeed check "Include application pool settings used by this Web project" (in fact: this sets the msbuild property IncludeAppPool to true). The manifest will then hold a entry for creating the app-pool. This is however only possible if you are creating the package from a machine that also locally runs the WAP. This is not an option when working with a build server which is my case


It could be possible to make a batch script to run msdeploy from the commandline and use the AppPool provider to create the apppool. Although this seems a bit clunky to me as I'd like to include the apppool creation inside the manifest of my VS (or build server) generated package


I'm right now investigating if it would be possible to insert the apppoolconfig provide inside my manifest using a wpp.targets file (more info here and here


I might get back to you if I find how to do it.

我发现您无法使用appPoolConfig提供程序打包创建新应用程序池的过程.我*写自己的提供者.我是根据发现的一些(非常基本的)示例并通过对一些现有提供程序进行反向工程来实现的.我基本上所做的是创建一个包装类,该包装类调用c:\ windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ appcmd并将此功能公开为MSDeploy提供程序. appcmd是用于配置iis的命令行工具,您可以使用它来创建apppools ...如果有人感兴趣,我可以共享一些代码...

I've found out that there is no way you can package the creation of a new app pool using the appPoolConfig provider. I was forced to write my own provider. I did that based on some (very basic) examples I found and by reverse engineering some of the existing providers. What I basically did was create a wrapper class that calls c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd and exposed this functionallity as a MSDeploy provider. appcmd is a commandline tool to configure iis, with it you can create apppools... If anyone's interested I could share some of the code...



I'm sorry it took me so long but I've put some of my code my custom AppPoolConfigProvider on my skydrive you can access it here Or here is a gist repo to access it.

要使用此提供程序,应将已编译的dll放在Extensibility文件夹下(您必须在"c:\ Program Files(x86)\ IIS \ Microsoft Web Deploy V2 \"下自行创建).您可以在线找到有关此信息的更多信息.

To use this provider, should place your compiled dll under an Extensibility folder (you have to create it yourself under "c:\Program Files (x86)\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\"). You can find more info about this online.


I use the provider in my xxx.wpp.targets file like this:

<Target Name="AddConfigAppPool" Condition="'$(RunConfigAppPool)'">
<Message Text="Adding configAppPool provider" />
  <MsDeploySourceManifest Include="configAppPool">
    <path>@(__DefaultDeployEnvironmentSetting->'%(AppPoolName)')</path><!-- Represents the name of the AppPool, required-->
    <!--Possible additional provider settings: queueLength,autoStart,enable32BitAppOnWin64,managedRuntimeVersion,managedRuntimeLoader,enableConfigurationOverride,managedPipelineMode,CLRConfigFile,passAnonymousToken,startMode,processModel_identityType,processModel_userName,processModel_password,processModel_loadUserProfile,processModel_logonType,processModel_manualGroupMembership,processModel_idleTimeout,processModel_maxProcesses,processModel_shutdownTimeLimit,processModel_startupTimeLimit,processModel_pingingEnabled,processModel_pingInterval,processModel_pingResponseTime,recycling_disallowOverlappingRotation,recycling_disallowRotationOnConfigChange,recycling_logEventOnRecycle,recycling_periodicRestart_memory,recycling_periodicRestart_privateMemory,recycling_periodicRestart_requests,recycling_periodicRestart_time,recycling_periodicRestart_schedule_[value='timespan']_value,failure_loadBalancerCapabilities,failure_orphanWorkerProcess,failure_orphanActionExe,failure_orphanActionParams,failure_rapidFailProtection,failure_rapidFailProtectionInterval,failure_rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes,failure_autoShutdownExe,failure_autoShutdownParams,cpu_limit,cpu_action,cpu_resetInterval,cpu_smpAffinitized,cpu_smpProcessorAffinityMask,cpu_smpProcessorAffinityMask2-->      


I'm sorry I can't eleborate more on this, but it's been a while since I wrote this code and I simply do not have the time. You can find some info online about creating custom providers. If you have additional questions, I'll try to answer when I have time available.
