


I know this sounds just wrong, but stay with me for a second.

I have a Raspberry pi which is currently running, I forgot the password, and I want to shut it down so I could remove the SD card and reset the password.

I happen to have an IDE setup with the password, but the IDE has encrypted the password. As such, I could upload PHP and run it on the ngix webserver I earlier installed. I'v tried the following, but all it displays is "done".


PS. I've asked https://superuser.com/questions/994309/physically-shutdown-raspberry-pi-without-shell-access, and if you know, please either comment or post an answer.

  echo(shell_exec('sudo halt'));
  echo(shell_exec('sudo shutdown'));

if your webserver is not running as root you need to use sudo and add your password

try this command

'echo your_passwd | /usr/bin/sudo -S shutdown -h -f 0'

If you have lost your password, just could pull the plug and change the password in /etc/shadow