


Eventbus是更多的中介者还是观察者?根据Google的说法, 事件总线调解器"获得2.430的点击率, 事件总线观察器"获得了3.850次点击.

Is Eventbus more a Mediator or an Observer? According to Google, "eventbus mediator" gets 2.430 hits and "eventbus observer" gets 3.850 hits.

根据描述,它们都将与我试图做的事情相匹配(调解员甚至更多). 那么事件总线是实现特定的模式还是由我决定是由我决定的?

From the description, they would both match what I was trying to do (the mediator even a little more). So does eventbus implement a specific pattern or is it up to me which I say it is?


Often, a given piece of code isn't intrinsically an example of one pattern or another. This is why they're called "patterns" (rather than, say, "implementation techniques"). A lot of software kinda looks like one pattern, but also resembles another -- this is good. It's best not to adhere to patterns for patterns' sake, but to use them as a shared vocabulary for discussing architecture.


EventBus is one such tool. I wrote it with Observer-like situations in mind, but if you structure your application appropriately it can play a Mediator-like role.