

I made uploading script for PHP but the problem is that I would need to make progress bar which shows how much of the picture is uploaded and also when uploading is done I would need to show thumbnail of picture right to uploading form not to confuse users. When it's all done and if user is satisfied with input he's making (because there is description of photo as well) then he clicks on "Save" to end process. Can anyone help me with this?

我为PHP上传了脚本,但问题是我需要制作进度条,显示有多少 图片上传,上传完成后我需要显示图片缩略图,上传表格不要混淆用户。 如果完成所有操作并且用户对他正在制作的输入感到满意(因为还有照片描述),那么他点击“保存”以结束进程。 任何人都可以帮我这个吗? p> div>

These might help get you started:

HTML PHP Progress Bar


Once you figure out how to implement the progress bar, you can have some logic which will check if that task completes, echo out <img src="path of newly uploaded image" />

Well i think you need to start by dividing your goal in different steps, i suggest by starting with SWFuploader, i use it alot in my projects. I show an progressbar while uploadig. For the next steps you need to have knowledge about javascript to finish the uploading process.