Int不能转换为Dictionary< string,string>


此行出现错误(questionField.text = listOfQuestionsAndAnswers [currentQuestionIndex])(Int不能转换为Dictionary)。

There is an error at this line (questionField.text = listOfQuestionsAndAnswers[currentQuestionIndex]) (Int is not convertible to Dictionary). Moreover, I want all the questions to be displayed one-by-one, and after the last question, "Who's is Paul" should be displayed again...

let listOfQuestionsAndAnswers = ["Who’s Paul?": "An American", "Who’s Joao?": "A Bresilian", "Who’s Riccardo?": "An Italian"]

@IBAction func answerButtonTapped (sender: AnyObject){

    for (Question, rightAnswer) in listOfQuestionsAndAnswers {

        questionField.text = listOfQuestionsAndAnswers[currentQuestionIndex]
        if currentQuestionIndex <= listOfQuestionsAndAnswers.count
            currentQuestionIndex = (++currentQuestionIndex) % listOfQuestionsAndAnswers.count
            answerBut.setTitle("ANSWER", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
            (sender as UIButton).userInteractionEnabled = false


I am getting the error Int is not convertible to DictionaryIndex and I don't understand what that means. Shouldn't I be able to access my dictionary by index.

你不能用诠释。词典包含键和值,并由键下标。在这种情况下,您的 listOfQuestionsAndAnswers 是一个字典,键和值都是字符串。

You can't subscript a dictionary by Int. Dictionaries contain keys and values and are subscripted by the key. In this case your listOfQuestionsAndAnswers is a Dictionary where the keys and values are both Strings.


If you wanted to subscript by Int, consider using an array of (String, String) tuples.


If you want to use a dictionary, you have to retrieve the value from the dictionary by its key:

listOfQuestionsAndAnswers["Who’s Paul?"] // "An American"