

我们正在考虑将SharePoint网站重组为(1)仅元数据或(2)基本文件夹与元数据的组合.该网站将在各种项目中包含数千个文件.有些物品会有千种变化 只是为自己归档.选择一个而不选择另一个的理由是什么?是否有任何技术原因或限制需要了解?

We are looking at restructuring our SharePoint site to be either (1) metadata only or (2) basic folder in combination with metadata.  The site will contain thousands of files on various items.  Some items will have a thousand varying files just for itself.  What is the rationale to choose one over the other?  Are there any technical reasons or limits to be aware of? 


Hi Tabbycat7,


Whether you are going to use Document Library or List to store your files?


If using List, we can store the files as attachment in each item. And there is no maximum limit specified for the number of attachments that we can add to a list item. But if we have a mobile view, the number of attachments displayed is limited to 3.

在列表"和库"中,都有一个列表视图阈值",该阈值为5000.文件夹中的项目数必须小于或等于列表视图阈值.例如,如果列表/库有4000个项目,而一个文件夹有3000个项目,则这两个文件夹视图 并且根文件夹视图将适用于列表视图阈值5000.

Both in List and Library, there is a List View Threshold which is 5000. The number of items in a folder needs to be less or equal to the list view threshold. For instance, if a list/library has 4000 items and a folder with 3000 items, both the folder view and the root folder view will work for a list view threshold of 5000.


But we can also change the List View threshold though Central Administration->Manage web applications->general settings->Resources Throttling.


Grace Wang

Grace Wang