jqGrid单元格编辑 - 双击单击编辑?



By default, if a jqGrid cell is editable, single click on that cell changes it to edit mode. Is there any way I can make it edit on a double click instead? It would make it easier to do row-level operations such as deleting, as all the columns in my grid are editable.

这样做可以更容易地执行行级操作,例如删除,因为我的网格中的所有列都是可编辑的。是的,您可以使用 ondblClickRow 事件捕获双击。

Yes, you can use the ondblClickRow event to capture a double-click.


Here is a simple example to get you started:

ondblClickRow: function(){
    var row_id = $("#grid").getGridParam('selrow');
    jQuery('#grid').editRow(row_id, true);