


Are there any algorithms that are commonly used for achieving eventual consistency in distributed systems?

有已经在分布式系统中,的Paxos 特别开发用于ACID事务的算法,但有理论的一个类似的机构,已经开发了 BASE 的情况下,与弱一致性保证?

There are algorithms that have been developed for ACID transactions in distributed systems, Paxos in particular, but is there a similar body of theory that has been developed for BASE scenarios, with weaker consistency guarantees?

编辑:这似乎是学术研究的一个领域,才刚刚开始开发。 Mcdowella的回答表明,出现了至少在这方面的一些工作。

This appears to be an area of academic research that is only beginning to be developed. Mcdowella's answer shows that there has been at least some work in this area.

如果修复复制数据,它通过比较副本和调和的差异操作反熵的协议。适合你的定义看 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol

If "Anti-entropy protocols for repairing replicated data, which operate by comparing replicas and reconciling differences." fits your definition look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol