


I have a weird PHP error in a current Symfony2 project:

unexpected T_STRING in /blahblah/Foo/BarBundle/Entity/User.php on line 1


This is a pretty standard error, usually linked to a mismatched pair of " or '.


But here is the code of the file User.php

namespace Foo\BarBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Foo\BarBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
class User extends \FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User
    // classic user entity

第<?php行是第1行.没有引号,而且奇怪的是,这个错误仅出现在我的登台服务器上:在具有本地代码副本的2个开发机器上,它的行为与预期相同,没有错误或警告. 该文件是正确的文件,缓存已清空.我认为这可能是编码错误,但事实并非如此.我也想到了命名空间问题,但是服务器上的PHP版本正确(5.3.16)

The line <?php is line #1. There is no quotes, and the weird thing comes from the fact that this error only appear on my staging server: on 2 development machines with local copies of the code, it behaves as expected with no error or warning. The file is the correct one, the cache was emptied. I thought that it might be an encoding error but it does not seem to be this. I also thought of namespace issues, but the PHP version on the server is correct (5.3.16)


Do you have any idea what this error can stem from, or in which direction I could search ? Thanks in advance.

我处理过的大多数编码约定严格要求使用LF("Unix风格",'\x0A')行结尾脚本.无论谁设法用CRLF提交代码,或者,天哪,CR都必须忍受皇家的痛苦. )

Most coding conventions that I worked with strictly require using LF ('Unix style', '\x0A') line endings in the scripts. And whoever managed to submit code with CRLF or, god forbid, CR had to endure a royal share of pain. )


It may seem not such a big deal, yet it can save you hours of searching for a weird error - such as in this case.