Composer REST服务器身份验证


我有一个关于Rest-Server的问题.在我的项目中,我不会将rest服务器用作直接后端,我想再增加一个api,它将发送不同的请求.所以,我的问题是,我需要选择哪种身份验证? (身份验证需要多用户模式,我想从其他参与者发送交易)谢谢)

I have a question about rest-server. In my project I don't won't to use rest server as direct backend, I wanna have one more api, which will send different requests. So, my question is, what kind of auth I need to choose? (auth need for multi-user mode, I want to send transactions from different participants) Thank you)


Is it possible to use composer-rest-server not just for log in but for sign up too, if real users will not make requests, but my own api will register them on rest-server automatically and then on their behalf will do all the transactions

一个多用户交互的示例-尽管使用的是REST API(但原理是相同的-认为:连接到业务网络的不同REST(或API)客户端,在区块链上,其商务网卡(其中一部分包含身份)位于自己的私人钱包中,因此在此处显示由该身份签名的发行交易的区块链身份)->

An example of multiuser interaction - albeit using REST APIs (but the principle is the same - think: different REST (or API) clients connecting to the business network, on the blockchain, with their business network cards (part of which contains an identity) in their own private wallets and therefore blockchain identities issuing transactions signed by that identity) is shown here ->

Composer REST服务器支持超过300多种身份验证策略(请参阅此处->视您的组织而定.一旦用户进行身份验证,便会回调到应用程序中连接到业务网络的位置,然后使用其业务网卡与部署到区块链网络上对等方的业务网络进行交互.这些商务网卡可以作为基于云的钱包存储在云中,也可以存储在安全环境中的磁盘上

Composer REST server supports over 300+ authentication strategies (see more here -> so you can choose an auth strategy such as PassportJS strategies as appropriate to your organisation. Once a user authentications, there is a callback to a point in the application where it connects to the business network, and thereafter uses its business network card to interact with the business network deployed to the peers on the blockchain network. Those business network cards can be in the Cloud stored as cloud-based wallets or stored on disk in a secured environment

要以编程方式连接到业务网络,请参阅此处的讨论-> Hyperledger Composer网站应用程序用户身份验证

To connect to a business network programatically, see the discussion here -> Hyperledger Composer Web application user authentication /latest/integrating/enabling-rest-authentication.html