

我有很多人在不同的年份买了车. 简化的数组是这样的:

I have a large javascript array of some people Bought a car in different years. the simplified array is like this:

const owners = [{
  name: "john",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: 2002
}, {
  name: "john",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: 2005
}, {
  name: "mary",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: 2015
}, {
  name: "john",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: 2018


if a person has more than one car (like John in this example), there is different objects for him with different years he has bought the car. I want to merge objects belongs to each individual person and the final result should be like this:

const owners = [{
  name: "john",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: [2002, 2005, 2018]
}, {
  name: "mary",
  hasCar: true,
  yearBought: 2018

您可以使用 concat 将它们推入数组.否则,在累加器中创建一个新密钥并将其设置为当前对象.然后,使用 Object.values() 将数组的值作为数组获取

You could use reduce the array and group them based on name first. The accumulator is an object with each unique name as key. If the name already exists, use concat to push them into the array. Else, create a new key in the accumulator and set it to the current object. Then, use Object.values() to get the values of the array as an array

const owners = [{name:"john",hasCar:!0,yearBought:2002},{name:"john",hasCar:!0,yearBought:2005},{name:"mary",hasCar:!0,yearBought:2015},{name:"john",hasCar:!0,yearBought:2018}];

const merged = owners.reduce((r, o) => {
    r[o.name].yearBought = [].concat(r[o.name].yearBought, o.yearBought)
    r[o.name] = { ...o };
  return r;
