

我想通过单击预告片来同时淡出两个页面上的两个内容: 例如单击#teaser2,同时#backstage2和#content2中的内容逐渐消失.

I want to fade two contents the same time on one page by clicking a teaser: e.g. click on #teaser2 the contents in #backstage2 and #content2 are fading in the same time.


<!-- backstage content is in a separate div -->
<div id="backstage">
     <div id="bigpicture1"> 
        <img src="img1.jpg" width="800" height="600" /> 
    <div id="bigpicture2"> 
        <img src="img2.jpg" width="800" height="600" /> 
    <div id="bigpicture3"> 
        <img src="img3.jpg" width="800" height="600" /> 

<!-- stage content is also in a separate div -->
<div id="stage"> 
    <div id="content1"> 
        <h2>Loremipsum 1</h2> 
        <p>Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend.<a href="#">mehr ...</a></p> 
    <div id="content2"> 
        <h2>Loremipsum 2</h2> 
        <p>Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend.<a href="#">mehr ...</a></p> 
    <div id="content3"> 
        <h2>Loremipsum 3</h2> 
        <p>Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend.<a href="#">mehr ...</a></p> 

<!-- teasers are in a separate div -->
<div id="teaser"> 
        <li id="teaser1"><img src="img1_thumb.jpg" alt="" /></li> 
        <li id="teaser2"><img src="img2_thumb.jpg" alt="" /></li> 
        <li id="teaser3"><img src="img3_thumb.jpg" alt="" /></li> 

我在这里找到了"http://www.brightyoursite.com/blog/2010/01/23/nice-jquery-content-slider/",但仅适用于一个content-DIV. 希望您能理解德国式"英语-谢谢您的帮助

I found here "http://www.brightyoursite.com/blog/2010/01/23/nice-jquery-content-slider/" some nice code but works only with one content-DIV... Hope you understand "german-style" english - thanks for your help



尽管我没有使用suSlider插件,但我认为得到的结果与您所寻找的相同,只是使用了jQuery和jQueryUI: http://jsfiddle.net/marcosfromero/K9jNP/

Although I didn't use suSlider plugin, I think I got the same results as you are looking for but just using jQuery and jQueryUI: http://jsfiddle.net/marcosfromero/K9jNP/