


I'm working on an HTML5 mobile app (using regular jQuery, not mobile), which implements a custom autocomplete list that appears below a textarea. The user selects an option from the list, the word is autocompleted, and the user continues typing as usual.


The problem is that the user taps outside of the textbox to select an item from the autocomplete, so the textarea momentarily loses focus. Since focus() is deactivated in the android browser, I can't immediately re-focus and retain the caret's last position as I usually would.


Is there a workaround that would allow me to re-focus on a textarea, preserving caret position as regular blur() and focus() calls would?

基本假设来源:这里所说: http://*.com/a/10243010/832607 并在这里:
http://ambrusmartin.word$p$ (在链接中提到已经尝试过的解决方案)

Sources of underlying assumption: mentioned here: http://*.com/a/10243010/832607 and here: (Already tried solution mentioned in link)


Instead re-focusing the textarea I'd recommend trying to not lose the focus in the first place. I'm achieving this when preventing the default action on mousedown.

下面是jQuery的,假设列表是你的选项列表和所有选项都有 LISTEL 类:

Here is the jQuery, assuming list is your list of options and all options have listEl class:

list.on('mousedown', '.listEl', function(e) { 