Meteor js Windows安装错误“无法联系安装服务器"


我也尝试过在Windows上使用以管理员身份运行"功能运行安装,但是相同的问题仍然存在. 我看到此问题已发布过,但仍未给出解决方案. 基本上,安装过程中会出现以下错误消息,并且安装将停止.请帮忙.

I have tried running the install with "Run as Admin" feature on windows too, but the same issue persists. I see this question has been posted before but still no resolution given. Basically the following error message comes in the middle of the install and the install stops. Please help.


Error message:
"Failed to contact install server. Please try again later."

在安装meteorjs之前,请先检查是否已安装Node js,否则它有时会在Windows上崩溃,希望对您有所帮助.

Check if you have Node js already installed before installing meteorjs other wise it crashes on Windows sometimes hope it helped.