ASP.NET网页API依赖注入 - 辛格尔顿与否


我建设有asp.net的Web API和我使用的UnityContainer处理的依赖关系。

I am building a web api with and i am using the UnityContainer for handling dependencies.


For example, my auth controller can depends on the auth service:

class AuthController : ApiController {

    private IAuthService authService;

    public AuthController (IAuthService AuthService) {
        this.authService = AuthService;



And the implementation of my auth service can depend on my user repository:

class AuthController : IAuthService {

    private IUserRepository userRepository;

    public AuthService (IUserRepository UserRepository) {
        this.userRepository = UserRepository;



Now, i know that unity has two ways of handling dependencies, it can create a new instance of the dependency every time it is required, or it can save the instance of the dependency as a singleton and inject that same singleton every time the dependency is required.


By default, unity does it the first way (creates a new instance every time).


My question is: should i keep it that way, or should i tell unity to keep my services and repositories as singletons?

当我试图运行Web API,它抛出一个堆栈过流例外,我想通它这样做是因为它必须建立用户信息库的每一次新的实例和其他存储库。

This question really came to my mind when my user repository depended on some other dependency, and that dependency depended on the user repository. When i tried to run the web api, it throw a stack over flow exception and i figured that it did this because it had to create a new instance of the user repository and the other repository every time.


Thank you, Arik


Creating a new set of instances per HttpRequest is likely what you want. This prevents you from some unintended side effects messing up some logic if something gets cached within an instance. If you scope it at the HttpRequest level, and your dependency chain depends on a certain repository 4 different times, they'll all share the same instance of that repository.

下面是你如何能做到在统一:MVC, EF - DataContext的单个实例每个Web请求在Unity

Here is how you can do that in Unity: MVC, EF - DataContext singleton instance Per-Web-Request in Unity