(C ++)将指针传递到模板


我有两个指针。 p1。 p2。





I have two pointers. p1. p2.
p1 and p2 both point to different classes.
The classes have some similar method names,
and I'd like to call a template function twice to avoid repeated code.
Here is my function:

template <class T>
void Function(vector<T> & list, T* item, const string & itemName)

$ b b


see that middle paramater, "item".. is that how my signature should look if I want the item changed?


T *&项目

..or should I pass it as
T* & item


T **项目传递

..or should I pass it as
T** item


the compiler is letting a lot of things slide, but then when I go to bind everything it breaks.

如何使用我的指针调用该函数? >

How do I call that function using one of my pointers?
something about casting?? I've tried everything :\


You should be able to call your code like this:

template <class T>
void Function(std::vector<T> & list, T* item, const std::string & itemName)
    if (item != NULL)
      item->x = 4;

struct A
    int x;
struct B
    double x;
A a;
B b;
std::vector<A> d;
std::vector<B> i;
Function(d, &a, "foo");
Function(i, &b, "bar");

注意,通过引用和指针传递参数有稍微不同的含义。指针可以为NULL,请参见在C ++中通过引用传递指针是否有好处?

Note that passing a parameter by reference and by pointer has slightly different meaning, e.g. pointers can be NULL, see Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?.

我想知道是否需要传递 item 通过指针和列表通过(非const)引用。

I wonder if it's desired to pass item by pointer and list by (non-const) reference.