


Since I am new to rails and have developed in application in rails, so I want to know the process of deploying rails application/website on the web server. Can I deploy rails app on a shared server if the server supports RoR ? Please guide me on the process of deployment.


我一直在使用ubuntu12,mysql,capistrano& nginx-操作起来非常简单-我很乐意让您免费试用DigitalOcean,并指导您完成该过程。

I've been working on a really easy server image for rails deploys using ubuntu12, mysql, capistrano & nginx - its pretty simple to get working - and I'd be happy to let you take it for a spin on DigitalOcean for free and guide you through the process.

您也可以查看我写的有关设置简单服务器的文章:如何在带RVM的Ubuntu 12.04 LTS(精确的穿山甲)上安装Ruby on Rails

You can also check out the article I wrote about setting up a simple server: How to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) with RVM.