



I have a Webserver machine, Client machine, and a third machine running some program that listens for XMLHttpRequests.


Client accesses the Webserver from the Client machine, makes some changes, and then clicks on'Save'. At this point, data is being sent back to the Webserver and to the Third machine. All of this is being done using Javascript and XMLHttpRequest object.

对于Webserver的帖子工作正常,但是对第三台机器的发布不工作,因为它有一个不同的IP /域。

The post to the Webserver works fine, however post to the Third machine does not work, since it had a different IP/domain.

客户端机器 - >第三台机器不工作,因为它在不同的域
Webserver机器 - >第三台机器不工作,因为防火墙问题

How can I make this work? Client machine -> Third machine does not work, because its on a different domain Webserver machine -> Third machine does not work, because of firewall issues


您可以实现 CORS

You can implement CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) on your server.

当前版本的服务器上安装了一个新的资源共享服务器,您可以在服务器上使用.w3.org / TR / cors /rel =nofollow主要的桌面浏览器已经支持了一段时间,Opera和Explorer 10是最后添加支持的。

The current versions of the major desktop browsers have supported it for a while, Opera and Explorer 10 being the last ones to add support.


I'm not sure how widely supported CORS is across mobile browsers at this time though.