从Objective C委托回调到Cordova插件



Situation: I'm building a cordova plugin to connect an existing iOS library with Ionic. The base mapping of methods is done and working, means I can call the iOS methods via Angular methods and getting success/error callbacks.


Problem: There's a login method which is called, and appropriate delegate methods (e.g. userDidLoginWithSuccess) are called afterwards. Callback from the login method to the cordova plugin is easy, but I need to somehow callback from the delegate method, in order to let the Ionic app know if the user was logged in successfully or not.


PS:尽管这是一个类似的问题,但我检查了此帖子,但没有帮助. Phonegap-从Objective向Java脚本发送消息-c在插件委托中

PS: I checked this post, which didn't help, although it's a similar question. Phonegap - Send message to Javascript from Objective-c in a plugin delegate


On your .h create a property callbackId that you will use to store the callback identifier of the plugin

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* callbackId;


Then, on your plugin method, store the callbackId on the property you created.

self.callbackId = command.callbackId;


and finally, on the delegate send the plugin result using the callbackId

CDVPluginResult* result = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:@"string result"];
[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:result callbackId:self.callbackId];