验证.Net后端服务器中的Google ID令牌


所以,我有一个Java脚本和一个.NET后端.在Javascript中,当用户登录时,我会获取Google ID令牌,我想将其传递给后端,并且: 1)验证令牌 2)提取电子邮件,用户名等.

So, I have a Java-script and a .NET backend. In the Javascript i fetch the Google ID token when the user log in and the I would like to pass this to the backend and: 1) Validate the token 2) Extract the email, username etc.

这在Java文档中进行了解释: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth

This is explained in documentation for java: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth


GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString);

GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString);


字符串email = payload.getEmail();

String email = payload.getEmail();


So simple in Java! But what to do in .NET? I cannot find the documentation! I found the following thread, but it seems like a quite complicated solution. Is that really the most easy way?

干杯, 马蒂亚斯(Mattias)

Cheers, Mattias


You probably want GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(...).

这提供了与您发布的Java几乎相同的行为. 唯一缺少的功能是检查令牌的读者字段(此遗漏是由于跟踪问题

This provides almost the same behaviour as the Java you posted. The only missing functionality is to check the audience field of the token (This omission is tracked issue #1042).