


I'm trying to enforce a root directory in a filesystem abstraction. The problem I'm encountering is the following:


The API lets you read and write files, not only to local but also remote storages. So there's all kinds of normalisation going on under the hood. At the moment it doesn't support relative paths, so something like this isn't possible:

$filesystem->write('path/to/some/../relative/file.txt', 'file contents');

我希望能够安全地解析路径,因此输出为:path/to/relative/file.txt. 如在为此问题/增强功能创建的github问题中所述( https://github.com/FrenkyNet/Flysystem/issues/36#issuecomment-30319406 ),它需要做的只是拆分段并相应地将其删除.

I want to be able to securely resolve the path so the output is would be: path/to/relative/file.txt. As is stated in a github issue which was created for this bug/enhancement (https://github.com/FrenkyNet/Flysystem/issues/36#issuecomment-30319406) , it needs to do more that just splitting up segments and removing them accordingly.


Also, since the package handles remote filesystems and non-existing files, realpath is out of the question.


So, how should one go about when dealing with these paths?


I've resolved how to do this, this is my solution:

 * Normalize path
 * @param   string  $path
 * @param   string  $separator
 * @return  string  normalized path
public function normalizePath($path, $separator = '\\/')
    // Remove any kind of funky unicode whitespace
    $normalized = preg_replace('#\p{C}+|^\./#u', '', $path);

    // Path remove self referring paths ("/./").
    $normalized = preg_replace('#/\.(?=/)|^\./|\./$#', '', $normalized);

    // Regex for resolving relative paths
    $regex = '#\/*[^/\.]+/\.\.#Uu';

    while (preg_match($regex, $normalized)) {
        $normalized = preg_replace($regex, '', $normalized);

    if (preg_match('#/\.{2}|\.{2}/#', $normalized)) {
        throw new LogicException('Path is outside of the defined root, path: [' . $path . '], resolved: [' . $normalized . ']');

    return trim($normalized, $separator);