


Since preemptive multitasking is not available in a browser, and JavaScript is inherently single threaded, how does a Redux Middleware like redux-saga handle infinite loops not designed for cooperative multitasking without triggering the long-running script dialog?

function* watchSaga() {
    while (true) {
        yield take(SOME_REQUEST);
        // do something 


我的陈述不是为协作多任务设计的"是错误的.生成器函数的代码仅在第一个 yield 表达式之前执行.

My statement "not designed for cooperative multitasking" was wrong. A generator function's code is executed only until the first yield expression.

yield确实是关键,因为它 yields 控件

yield is indeed the key, as it yields control, suspending the current generator function and returning a value to it.


function* counter() {
  console.log('Running generator to first yield point');
  var x = 0;
  do {
    console.log('About to increment and yield control');
    yield ++x;
    console.log('Running counter to next yield point - x is currently', x);
  } while (true);

console.log('Instantiating generator');
var instance = counter();
console.log('Generator instantiated, calling for the first time');
console.log('The first entry in counter is',;
console.log('The second entry in counter is',;
console.log('The third entry in counter is',;
console.log('The program continues running');