

以下是我在Google Chrome 19.0.1061.1(官方版本125213)开发的代码:

Here's some code that I run on Google Chrome 19.0.1061.1 (Official Build 125213) dev:

<title>Memory Leak</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
        this.window.setInterval(function() {
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            xhr.open('GET', '', false);
        }, 50);

当我检查chrome://任务中的内存使用情况时,我可以看到私有内存是无限期成长(8GB RAM配置)。

When I inspect memory usage in chrome://tasks, I can see that "Private Memory" is growing up indefinitely (8GB RAM config). If I change the sample of code above to something like that:

<title>Memory Leak</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var timeout = this.window.setInterval(function() {
            xhr.open('GET', '', false);
        }, 50);


我不喜欢得到它。 为什么保持对setInterval函数的引用有助于为什么只定义一个xhr有助于自上一个声明处于闭包中?它只与v8有关吗?

I don't get it. Why keeping a reference to the setInterval function helps and why defining only one xhr helps since previous declaration was in a closure? Is it related only to v8?


I would appreciate your insights on it.


In the first one, you're instantiating a new XMLHttpRequest object on each call to the iterator function. The request objects will stick around at least until the HTTP requests complete. Initiating 200 HTTP requests per second is going to clog the browser up something fierce, since it won't actually perform all the requests; there's a limit to how many concurrent connections it'll open.