


I searched a bit about this question but found very vague answers. In redux, we know that the state is stored as an object. But where is this state stored actually? Is it somehow saved as a file which can be accessed by us later on? What I know is that it does not store it in a cookie format or in the browser's local storage.


The state in Redux is stored in memory, in the Redux store.


This means that, if you refresh the page, that state gets wiped out.


You can imagine that store looking something like this:

function createStore(reducer, initialState) {
  let state = initialState // <-- state is literally stored in memory

  function getState() {
    return state

  function dispatch(action) {

    state = reducer(state, action) // <-- state gets updated using the returned value from the reducer

    return action

  return {


The state in redux is just a variable that persists in memory because it is referenced (via closure) by all redux functions.


Here's a simplified example of what is going on:

function example() {
  let variableAvailableViaClosure = 0
  function incrementTheClosureVariable() {
    variableAvailableViaClosure += 1

  function getTheClosureVariable() {
    return variableAvailableViaClosure

  return {

let data = example()

// at this point example is finished
// but the functions it returned
// still have access to the (internal) variable via closure

  data.getTheClosureVariable() // 0


  data.getTheClosureVariable() // 1

Furthermo re,声明

Furthermore, the statement


In redux, we know that the state is stored as an object.

不正确。 redux中的状态可以是任何有效的javascript值,而不仅仅是一个对象。它通常最有意义的是它成为一个对象(或一个特殊的对象,如数组),因为它允许更灵活的数据结构(但你可以使状态只是一个数字,例如,如果你想) 。

isn't correct. State in redux can be any valid javascript value, not just an object. It just usually makes the most sense for it to be an object (or a special object like an array) because that allows for a more flexible data structure (but you could make the state just be a number for example, if you wanted to).

查看实际的Redux 实现以获取更多详细信息。

Check out the actual Redux implementation for more details.


If you want the state to persist in a cookie or localStorage, you would enhance the store such that, on top of updating the state in memory, it will save to your desired storage as well (and load from that storage when the store is initialized)