

此刻,当我遍历 DataRow 实例时,便会执行此操作。

At the moment, when I iterate over the DataRow instances, I do this.

foreach(DataRow row in table)
  return yield new Thingy { Name = row["hazaa"] };

稍后(即早一点),我会得到缺少 donkey 列,便便会引起粉丝的注意。经过大量的谷歌搜索(大约30秒)之后,我发现了以下保护语法。

Sooner of later (i.e. sooner), I'll get the table to be missing the column donkey and the poo will hit the fan. After some extensive googling (about 30 seconds) I discovered the following protection syntax.

foreach(DataRow row in table)
    return yield new Thingy { Name = row["hazaa"] };
    return null;

现在-这是最简单的语法吗?真?我期待有一种方法可以让我获取该字段(如果存在),否则为 null 。或者至少直接在上包含一个 方法。

Now - is this the simplest syntax?! Really? I was expecting a method that gets me the field if it exists or null otherwise. Or at least a Contains method directly on the row.


Am I missing something? I'll be mapping in many fields that way so the code will look dreadfully unreadable...


You can create an extension method to make it cleaner:

static class DataRowExtensions
    public static object GetValue(this DataRow row, string column)
        return row.Table.Columns.Contains(column) ? row[column] : null;


foreach(DataRow row in table)
    return yield new Thingy { Name = row.GetValue("hazaa") };