

我有一个使用dotenv包的项目将我的环境变量加载到我的NodeJS应用程序中 我使用以下行

I have a project using the dotenv package to load my environment variables in my NodeJS application I use the following line

var dotenv = require('dotenv').load({ silent: true }); 

//Example of use
username: process.env.CONVERSATION_USERNAME


I am now planning to deploy this application on Heroku. However, for some obvious security reasons i don't want to commit my .env file.


I'm new to NodeJS and I would like to know if there is a way to say "If the .env file doesn't exists, load the environment variable from Heroku"

谢谢, 阿列克西


Do not commit your .env to git (i.e. it should be in your .gitignore).

您可以通过Heroku仪表板或使用heroku config:set(例如)在Heroku上定义环境变量.

You define env vars on Heroku either via your Heroku dashboard, or with heroku config:set, e.g.

heroku config:set CONVERSATION_USERNAME=Alex


See here for more information.