使用Docker开发Java EE应用程序



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I have recently started to take a closer look at Docker and how I can use it for faster getting new member of the team up and running with the development environment as well as shipping new versions of the software to production.

我有一些关于如何以及在什么阶段将Java EE应用程序添加到容器的问题。就像我看到的那样,有很多种方法。

I have some questions regarding how and at what stage I should add the Java EE application to the container. As I see it there are multiple ways of doing this.


This WAS the typical workflow (in my team) before Docker:

  1. 开发人员写代码

  2. 开发人员使用Maven生成代码生成WAR

  3. 开发人员上载WAR在JBoss管理控制台中或使用Maven插件

现在,在Docker来临之后,我有点困惑,如果我应该创建图像我需要并配置它们,以便运行JBoss Wildfly容器时要做的所有操作都是通过Web上的管理控制台部署应用程序。或者我应该每次在Maven中构建应用程序时创建一个新的容器,并在Dockerfile中使用 ADD 命令添加新的容器,然后运行容器,而不会部署到它一旦开始了

Now after Docker came around I am a little confused about if I should create the images that I need and configure them so that all that is left to do when you run the JBoss Wildfly container is to deploy the application through the admin console on the web. Or should I create a new container for each time I build the application in Maven and add it with the ADD command in the Dockerfile and then just run the container without ever deploying to it once it is started?


In production I guess the last approach is what it preffered? Correct me if I am wrong. But in development how should it be done? Are there other workflows?


I've used Docker with Glassfish extensively, for a long time now and wrote a blog on the subject a while ago here.


Its a great tool for JavaEE development.


For your production image I prefer to bundle everything together, building off the static base image and layering in the new WAR. I like to use the CI server to do the work and have a CI configuration for production branches which will grab a base, layer in the release build, and then publish the artifact. Typically we manually deploy into production but if you really want to get fancy you can even automate that with the CI server deploying into a production environment and using proxy servers to ensure new sessions that come it get the updated version.


In development I like to take the same approach when it comes time to locally running any that rely on the container (eg. Arquillian integration tests) prior to checking in code. That keeps the environment as close to production as possible which I think is important when it comes to testing. That's one big reason I am against approaches like testing with embedded containers but deploying to non-embedded ones. I've seen plenty of cases where a test will pass in the embedded environment and fail in the production/non-embedded one.


During a develop/deploy/hand test cycle, prior to committing code, I think the approach of deploying into a container (which is part of a base image) is more cost effective in terms of speed of that dev. cycle vs. building in your WAR each time. It's also a better approach if your dev environment uses a tool like JRebel or XRebel where you can hot deploy your code and simply refresh your browser to see the changes.