Java EE 6/7应用程序中的自定义安全机制


我想创建(由我自己实现)身份验证机制,该机制将是 插入我的Java EE应用程序.

I would like to create (implement by my own) authentication mechanism which will be plugged into my Java EE application.

据我所知,我必须实现LoginModule并将此实现与 容器机制以某种方式.但是问题是我不知道该怎么做. 也许您知道我在哪里可以找到示例代码或教程?

As far as I know I have to implement LoginModule and connect this implementation with container mechanisms somehow. But the problem is that I don't know how to do it. Maybe You know where I can find sample code or tutorial about it?

换句话说,我想在任何方法时强制容器调用我的类: 进行身份验证,登录和注销.

In other words I would like to force container to call my classes whenever methods: authenticate, login, and logout are called.

示例实施: HttpServletRequest.login方法将仅对登录时具有偶数个字母的用户成功进行身份验证.

Sample implementation: HttpServletRequest.login method will successfully authenticate only users with even numer of letters in login.

在阅读了有关JAAS的内容之后,您应该基于 (来自 org.picketbox/picketbox maven工件).然后将模块与您的应用程序一起部署,并在WildFly的standalone.xml中创建适当的安全域和领域,例如:

After reading about JAAS, you should implement your login module basing on (from org.picketbox/picketbox maven artifact). Then deploy the module with your app, and create a proper security domain and realm in WildFly's standalone.xml, like such:

<security-domain name="myDomain" cache-type="default">
    <login-module code="com.example.TestLoginModule" flag="required" 


<security-realm name="MyRealm">
   <jaas name="myDomain"/>

请注意不同JBoss AS版本上的不同行为. 7.1.1不允许您部署登录模块,您必须创建一个单独的jboss模块并将其与org.picketbox和jboss.security模块绑定.

Look out for different behaviour on different JBoss AS versions. 7.1.1 will not allow you to deploy the login module, you would have to create a separate jboss module and bind it with org.picketbox and modules.

其他阅读: +子系统+配置安全+领域登录模块(虽然有些过时,但是给出了主要思想) (it is a little outdated, but the gives the main idea)