将java Web应用程序托管到Windows IIS服务器中


我可以将我的java Web应用程序放入Windows IIS服务器。现在它在Tomcat 6服务器下工作正常。但我想把它放在IIS服务器中。是否有可能..如果是的请让我知道什么是程序.. ....

Can i put my java web application into Windows IIS server .Now its working fine under Tomcat 6 server .But i want to put it in IIS server .Is it possible ..If yes pls let me know whats the Procedure ......

我认为唯一的方法是将您的应用保留在Tomcat上并使用JK ISAPI重定向器插件。 查看此页

I think the only way to do that is to keep your app on Tomcat and use JK ISAPI redirector plugin. Take a look at this page.