


I have a SVG map of a city that when clicked, creates hidden elements in a div in my form.

我正在使用 jQuery验证插件来验证我的表单.

I'm using the jQuery Validation Plugin to validate my form.


In order to make sure that the user has clicked on an area of the map, I thought to create a dummy hidden element inside where the normal hidden elements are and put the validation rule on that. I wrote my own validation rule to check for the number of hidden elements (indicating that a user has clicked somewhere on the map). That rule is this:

$.validator.methods.zones = function (value, element, param) {
   return ($('#search_form #zone-selectors input').length > 1); // 1 instead of 0 to account for the dummy element

<div id="zone-selectors">
  <input type="hidden" name="dummy">


However, I cannot allow that dummy element to be submitted with the rest of the form; I need to remove it AFTER the form has been validated but BEFORE the form is submitted. Naturally, I thought to use the submitHandler option for validate():

// ...
submitHandler: function(form) {
// ...


... but this seems to create an infinite loop, and my browser times-out the script. What am I doing wrong?


The submitHandler needs a tweak, like this:

submitHandler: function(form) {

调用jQuery .submit() 触发器会再次导致验证,并且无限循环...您要在此处调用本机 .submit() 函数.

Calling the jQuery .submit() trigger causes validation again, and an infinite loop...you want to call the native .submit() function here.