将Azure Accelerator发布到Web应用



我看到了Azure加速器解决方案,这可能对我有用.但是,我想进行一些更改,例如,从Azure Cosmos数据库(而不是IoT中心)获取数据,将其连接到活动目录.因此,我从github克隆了reository,并希望将其发布 到Azure Web应用程序.可能吗?如果是,我应该使用什么,我无法使用Visual Studio发布它.

I saw Azure accelerator solutions, which can be useful for me. However, I wanted to change some things, for example, get data from Azure Cosmos db, not IoT hub, connect it to active directory. So, I cloned reository from github, and wanted to publish it to Azure web app. Is it possible? If yes, what should I use, I couldn't publish it using visual studio.



通常,您可以根据需要通过VS发布.通过Visual Studio发布时是否收到任何错误消息 (VS)?您是否在这里寻找任何特定的解决方案: https://www.azureiotsolutions.com/Accelerators# ?

Typically, you could publish via VS based on your requirement. Do you receive any error message when publishing via Visual Studio (VS)? Are you looking for any specific solution here: https://www.azureiotsolutions.com/Accelerators#?


For deploying through VS, firstly ensure that the prerequisites are met and follow the step-step process outlined in the document: Publish a Web app to Azure App Service using Visual Studio.


If your requirement fits, you could deploy a Git repository to a WebApps by Git push as well, see the document https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-deploy-local-git for the steps.  

此外,还可以隔离Web部署 问题,您可以尝试以下步骤:

Additionally, to isolate the Web deployment issue, you may try the following steps:

通过以下方式检查这是否是部署"或运行时"问题请按照下列步骤操作: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu /wiki/Deployment-vs-runtime-issues 

如果确定这是部署问题,则可以按照以下步骤检查站点是否在本地正确部署: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Make-sure-site-correctly-deploys-locall

Check if this is a Deployment or Runtime issue by following these steps: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Deployment-vs-runtime-issues 

If you determine that it is a deployment issue then you can check if the site deploys correctly locally by following the steps here: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Make-sure-site-correctly-deploys-locall