Arrayformula 求和一列直到这一行


我正在尝试创建一个数组公式,该公式将所有行相加,直到这一行.为了澄清,a 列是输入,b 列是输出.我正在寻找一种使用 arrayformula 执行此操作的方法.

I'm trying to make an array formula which sums up all the rows until this row. For clarification column a will be the input and column b would be the output. I'm looking for a way to do this with an arrayformula.

a1:1 b1:1
a2:2 b2:3
a3:5 b3:8
a4:3 b4:11

a1:1 b1:1
a2:2 b2:3
a3:5 b3:8
a4:3 b4:11


I tried to use
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(INDIRECT("F1:"&ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN(F2:F))))) but this doesn't work.

由于 OP 用澄清更改了问题,下面提交了不同的答案:

Since OP changed the question with a clarification, A different answer is submitted below:

