有没有一种简单的方法可以在 C# 中组合两个相对路径?


我想在 C# 中组合两个相对路径.

I want to combine two relative paths in C#.


string path1 = "/System/Configuration/Panels/Alpha";
string path2 = "Panels/Alpha/Data";


string result = "/System/Configuration/Panels/Alpha/Data";

我可以通过拆分第二个数组并在 for 循环中进行比较来实现这一点,但我想知道是否有类似于 Path.Combine 的东西可用,或者是否可以使用正则表达式或林克?

I can implement this by splitting the second array and compare it in a for loop but I was wondering if there is something similar to Path.Combine available or if this can be accomplished with regular expressions or Linq?



Provided that the two strings are always in the same format as in your example, this should work:

string path1 = "/System/Configuration/Panels/Alpha";
string path2 = "Panels/Alpha/Data";

var x = path1.Split('/');
var y = path2.Split('/');

string result = Enumerable.Range(0, x.Count())

                          .Where(i => x.Skip(i)

                          .Select(i => string.Join("/", x.Take(i)


// result == "/System/Configuration/Panels/Alpha/Data"

对于 path1 = "/System/a/b/a/b"path2 = "a/b/a/b/c" 结果是 "/System/a/b/a/b/a/b/c".您可以将 LastOrDefault 更改为 FirstOrDefault 以获取 "/System/a/b/a/b/c".

For path1 = "/System/a/b/a/b" and path2 = "a/b/a/b/c" the result is "/System/a/b/a/b/a/b/c". You can change LastOrDefault to FirstOrDefault to get "/System/a/b/a/b/c" instead.


Note that this algorithm essentially creates all possible combinations of the two paths and isn't particularly efficient.