




在验证程序返回之前,我尝试了异步Web服务调用-submit按钮,转到下一步-使用Icallbackeventhandler ..



Hi All,
I am having trouble with custom validator client side validation. Please help..

I would like to have a Progress bar for synchronous custom validator call. This works but I need progress bar. Is it possible?

I tried a asynchronous web service call -submit button gooes to the next step before the validator returns-Using Icallbackeventhandler..

Thanking you,



What you want to do is possible, but I''m not sure using a ASP.NET custom validator is the easiest way to go. If this custom validation is only on one or two pages, I''d just do the validation manually using a callback and some JQuery code.

Add a click event handler to your submit button (and any other button that should cause validation) that looks something like this:

(''.buttonsThatCauseValidation'').live("click", function(event) { if (event.button != 2) { // Proceed if this is not a right-click // Display your progress bar/spinner/modal UI here. // Example using the JQuery BlockUI plugin:
(''.buttonsThatCauseValidation'').live("click", function(event) { if (event.button != 2) { // Proceed if this is not a right-click // Display your progress bar/spinner/modal UI here. // Example using the JQuery BlockUI plugin:

.blockUI({ message: ''<h1>Please wait while we begin processing your form.</h1>'', css: { padding: ''10px'' } }); <Insert CallbackReference Here>; return false; // Return false here to prevent the button from actually doing the postback or submitting the form. } return true; // Return true here to allow the default action to occur. });
.blockUI({ message: ''<h1>Please wait while we begin processing your form.</h1>'', css: { padding: ''10px'' } }); <Insert CallbackReference Here>; return false; // Return false here to prevent the button from actually doing the postback or submitting the form. } return true; // Return true here to allow the default action to occur. });


Then in your client-side callback handler you check your validation result and either show an error message or proceed with the postback/submit operation.

function GetValidationCallbackResult(result) {
    // Hide your progress bar/spinner/modal UI here.
    // Example using the JQuery BlockUI plugin: