Android应用程序私有发布在Google Play上

Android应用程序私有发布在Google Play上



We have an application that has to be tested for "Rating feature" i.e user will click a button and will be redirected to the application's play store page to rate the application.

是否可以在Play商店上发布应用程序,但将其保持私有状态或仅允许少数人访问.它应该保持不可见以供休息. 经过测试后,我们可能会删除该应用程序,然后在以后再次上传.

Is it possible to publish an application on Play Store but keep it private or provide access to only a few people. It should remain invisible for rest. After testing we may remove the application and then upload again at a later time.


If its not possible how can we test the rating feature.

Google Play商店现在支持alpha和beta测试.

The Google Play Store now supports both alpha and beta testing.


Once you've created your app in the console, under the APK section, you can choose to upload alpha and beta versions that are not publicly available.

您控制哪些人可以使用google +社区访问测试版本-将它们设为私有,以便您控制哪些人可以加入它们.

You control who can access the test versions using google+ communities - make these private so you control who can join them.


You have to publish your app to the store, before you can get the link to share with your testers for them to opt in to the testing program, but don't worry, provided you have no production apk uploaded, your app won't appear in the play store for users who aren't in the testing program.