

My code doesn't insert any records to mysql. What is wrong? I am really confused. I have designed a form and I want to read data from text box and send to the database.


if (!$link)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$insert="insert into student (sid,sname,sfamily,smark,stel) values ($id,'$name','$family',$mark,$tel)";


我的代码不会向mysql插入任何记录。 怎么了? 我真的很困惑。 我设计了一个表单,我想从文本框中读取数据并发送到数据库。 p>

if(isset($)  _post [“tfname”]))
 $ id = $ _ post [“tfid”]; 
 $ name = $ _ post [“tfname”]; 
 $ family = $ _ post [“tffamily”];  
 $ mark = $ _ post [“tfmark”]; 
 $ tel = $ _ post [“tftell”]; 
 $ link = mysql_connect(“localhost”,“root”,“”); 
if(  !$ link)
mysql_select_db(“university”,$ link); 
 $ insert =“插入学生(sid,sname)  ,sfamily,smark,stel)值($ id,'$ name','$ family',$ mark,$ tel)“; 
mysql_query($ insert,$ link); 
mysql_close($ link  ); 
  code>  pre> 

You'd better to put quotation mark for id, mark and tel after values in your query. Also as @Another Code said, you must use $_POST instead of $_post in your code. Try this and tell me the result:

if(isset($_POST["tfname"])) {

   if (!$link) {
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
   } else {
      $insert="insert into student 
               (sid,sname,sfamily,smark,stel) values 
      mysql_query($insert,$link) or die (mysql_error());
} else {
   die('tfname did not send');

Use mysql_query($insert,$link) or die (mysql_error()); to fetch the error message.

With the code you've provided it could almost be anything - to do some tests... have you echo'd something to confirm you are even getting the tfname in POST? Does it select the database fine? Do the fields $id, $mark, and $tel need single quotes around them as well? We need to know more about where the code is not working to provide more help but that snippet appears as though it should be running, in the interim, please use some echo's to narrow down your problem!

Try to run the generated sql query in the sql query browser. Get the query by "echo $insert" statement.

change the $insert to:

$insert="insert into student (sid,sname,sfamily,smark,stel) values ($id,'".$name."','".$family."','".$mark."','".$tel."')";

further set ini_set('display_errors',1) so that php displays the error messages as required.

Lastly, whenever doing a mysql query, try to use or die(mysql_error()) in the query so that if somethings wrong with mysql or syntax, we are aware.

$q = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());