


I'm building a client/server iPhone game, where I would like to keep third-party clients from accessing the server. This is for two reasons: first, my revenue model is to sell the client and give away the service, and second I want to avoid the proliferation of clients that facilitate cheating.


I'm writing the first version of the server in rails, but I'm considering moving to erlang at some point.


  1. 用户名(例如,GUID),并用应用程序随附的秘密对其进行哈希(SHA256或MD5),并将结果用作密码。当客户端与服务器连接时,两者都通过HTTPS通过HTTP基本验证发送。服务器使用相同的密钥对用户名进行哈希,并确保它们匹配。

  1. Generate a "username" (say, a GUID) and hash it (SHA256 or MD5) with a secret shipped with the app, and use the result as the "password". When the client connects with the server, both are sent via HTTP Basic Auth over https. The server hashes the username with the same secret and makes sure that they match.


Ship a client certificate with the iPhone app. The server is configured to require the client certificate to be present.


The first approach has the advantage of being simple, low overhead, and it may be easier to obfuscate the secret in the app.


The second approach is well tested and proven, but might be higher overhead. However, my knowledge of client certificates is at the "read about it in the Delta Airlines in-flight magazine" level. How much bandwidth and processing overhead would this incur? The actual data transferred per request is on the order of a kilobyte.

让您的游戏用户通过 OAuth ,授权他们在您的服务器上更改游戏状态。

Have your game users authenticate with their account through OAuth, to authorize them to make game state changes on your server.

如果您无法管理验证用户,则需要以某种方式验证您的游戏应用程序实例。将认证凭证嵌入二进制文件将是一个坏主意,因为应用程序盗版是普遍的,并会使您的方法非常不安全。我对SO 如何限制Apple iPhone应用程序盗版的问题可能对您有用其他方式。

If you can't manage to authenticate users, you'd need to authenticate your game application instance somehow. Having authentication credentials embedded in the binary would be a bad idea as application piracy is prevalent and would render your method highly insecure. My SO question on how to limit Apple iPhone application piracy might be of use to you in other ways.