正确使用"this". C#中的关键字?



我正在阅读《 Head First C#》一书(到目前为止进展顺利),但是在使用"this"所涉及的语法时,我遇到了很多麻烦.关键字.

I'm working through the book Head First C# (and it's going well so far), but I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the syntax involved with using the "this." keyword.


Conceptually, I get that I'm supposed to use it to avoid having a parameter mask a field of the same name, but I'm having trouble actually tracking it through their examples (also, they don't seem to have a section dedicated to that particular keyword, they just explain it and start using it in their examples).

在应用"this"时,有人遵循任何良好的经验法则吗?还是任何在线教程以与Head First C#不同的方式解释它?

Does anyone have any good rules of thumb they follow when applying "this."? Or any tutorials online that explain it in a different way that Head First C#?



Personally I only use it when I have to which is:

  • 构造函数链接:

  • Constructor chaining:

public Foo(int x) : this(x, null)

public Foo(int x, string name)

  • 从参数名称复制到字段中(在C#中不像在Java中那样常见,因为您通常会使用属性-但在构造函数中很常见)

  • Copying from a parameter name into a field (not as common in C# as in Java, as you'd usually use a property - but common in constructors)

    public void SetName(string name)
        // Just "name = name" would be no-op; within this method,
        // "name" refers to the parameter, not the field
        this.name = name;

  • 不涉及任何成员的情况下引用此对象:

  • Referring to this object without any members involved:


  • 声明扩展方法:

  • Declaring an extension method:

    public static TimeSpan Days(this int days)
        return TimeSpan.FromDays(days);

  • 其他一些人总是使用它(例如用于其他方法调用)-我个人发现这会使事情变得混乱.

    Some other people always use it (e.g. for other method calls) - personally I find that clutters things up a bit.