


 我为我的应用程序上传了所有图标和宣传图片,并且显示正确的尺寸。但是当我的应用程序在通过提交过程后在商店中列出时,我在Windows桌面商店看到了BLUR ICON。我遇到了这个问题

  I uploaded all the icons and promotional images for my app with correct dimensions in crisp display.But when my app listed in the store after passing the submission process i see the BLUR ICON in the windows desktop store.I am getting this problem till my dev center accounts migrated to the new 'unified' dev center account. I am not getting whats the problem ! Kindly tell me if you know any solution or is there issue with the new dev center from Microsoft ?  

我有与Windows Phone Store相同的问题:更新后,我在商店列表中看到空图标。
I have the same problem with the Windows Phone Store: after update I see empty icon on the store list.