



I would like to wire up a custom swift delegate in IB. The delegate is an object that implements a certain protocol in swift.

protocol ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate {
    func cellWasTouched(thumbnail: Bool, cell: UITableViewCell)

class ThumbnailTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet var thumbnailTableViewCellDelegate: ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate?


unfortunately, the compiler complains with:

error: 'IBOutlet' property cannot have non-object type 'ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate'
    @IBOutlet var thumbnailTableViewCellDelegate: ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate?

您必须将 ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate 协议声明为 @objc

@objc protocol ThumbnailTableViewCellDelegate {
    func cellWasTouched(thumbnail: Bool, cell: UITableViewCell)

这是因为 @IBOutlet 将变量声明为 weak ,仅适用于对象。我不确定为什么你不能说协议符合 AnyObject ,也许这是一个Swift bug。

This is because @IBOutlet declares the variable as weak, which only works with objects. I'm not sure why you can't just say the protocol conforms to AnyObject, perhaps that's a Swift bug.