



I have googled my question but there is not working answer provided. How do add a bulleted list to my textview.

很难做到的UL /李/ OL不支持。幸运的是,你可以使用它作为语法糖:

Tough to do as ul/li/ol are not supported. Fortunately you can use this as syntactic sugar:

&#8226; foo<br/>
&#8226; bar<br/>
&#8226; baz<br/>

&放大器;#8226; 是一个项目符号列表的HTML实体 更多的选择在这里http://www.elizabethcastro.com/html/extras/entities.html

&#8226; is the html entity for a list bullet more choices are here http://www.elizabethcastro.com/html/extras/entities.html

多标签支持马克·墨菲提供哪些(@CommonsWare) http://commonsware.com/blog/Android/2010/05/26/html-tags-supported-by-textview.html 加载了Html.fromHtml

more about which tags are supported provided by Mark Murphy (@CommonsWare) http://commonsware.com/blog/Android/2010/05/26/html-tags-supported-by-textview.html Load that up with Html.fromHtml
