如何“选择Android SDK"?在Android Studio中?

如何“选择Android SDK


将Eclipse-Android-Project成功导入"Android Studio 1.4"后,出现错误

After a successful import of an Eclipse-Android-Project into "Android Studio 1.4", I get the error

请选择Android SDK"

"Please select Android SDK"


when I click on the button to run the application in simulator, but I can't find any way of doing that.


This dialog opens when I click on "run":


This is the "project structure" dialog:



I go to build.gradle and click sync now. Then it worked.


File-> Sync Project with Gradle Files (Android Studio 3.1.1)

Tools-> Android-> Sync Project with Gradle Files (Android Studio 3.0.1)


Or You can click on the icon from the toolbar.

由于Android Studio团队致力于使该工具变得更好,因此此答案可能对更高版本没有帮助.在下一版Android Studio中,同步方式可能会有所不同.

This answer may not help works for later version as Android studio Team work on making the tool more better, the way to sync may be different in the next version of Android Studio.

常用方式可能会帮助您尝试同步项目,然后使缓存无效重新启动 Android Studio.

COMMON WAY that may helps is try to sync project and then Invalidate Caches and Restart Android Studio.

Android Studio 3.1.2的解决方案 [请参见下面的答案]

请参见最新的Android Studio版本